Bethel Farms:

Bethel Agricultural Fellowship” started in 1963 with a vision to bring lasting change in the lives of poor farmers in and around Danishpet. Most of the farmers were and still are small farmers. Access to latest developments in products and techniques and access to markets have always been a challenge to these farmers. With a land expanse of 120 acres in Bethel, we have focused our energies and resources to address these challenges and also to create sustainable revenue for both the organization and our farming dependent neighborhood.

Over the years, we have brought together, farmers from across the Salem and Dharmapuri districts to conduct workshops and provide information on the untapped potential and possibilities to increase higher yield in cultivation.

Bethel with the support of its in-house professional talent, cultivates season based crops that ensures good return on investments. We have a time-tested and proven pattern of crops and yield that benefits the farming community. However we constantly explore new possibilities and strive to be a model farm.

One such initiative is our partnership with IIHR Bengaluru, which is a Government of India endeavour wherein research scientists explore new crops for enhancing yield and quality.